Thursday, October 26, 2023

Believing in Freedom: PEU Style

Someone recently said:

"I believe in Freedom and I'm delighted to join..."  

Was it a Red Team candidate for Speaker of the House?  No.  

A Presidential contender?  No.  

A Supreme Court Justice?  No.

It was Sue Gordon, former Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence and former Deputy Director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.

Freedom is Freedom Consulting Group and Gordon just joined their board of directors.  Freedom is a new affiliate of WGD Capital.  

WGD doesn't stand for "What would Greed Do?", although it easily could.  It's an acronym, the initials of several super rich investors.

Sue Gordon wasn't the only new board member.  General Michael Hayden and Tom Donohue (the D in WGD) will also join Freedom's board.  

With additional financial resources, the company will also explore selected acquisitions to expand capabilities and customer segments. The additions to the Board of Directors will provide national security expertise and strategic insights to support the planned growth.

They will also provide non-lobbying political connections (should Uncle Sam's assistance or wallet be needed). 

I found this obscure story while researching the fake fight between Senator Tommy Tuberville and General Michael Hayden.  Hayden delivered an insult to Tuberville for holding up military promotions in a time of instability.  Tuberville fumbled the insult, so badly he harmed himself.  Embarrassed over his clumsiness the Senator turned the insult into a "death threat."  (Maybe South Park can do something with that.  They did make a cripple fight palatable.)

The "death threat" story sent me researching the parties new PEU ties.  I'd already written about Hayden's Chertoff Group and Tuberville's TS Capital (which imploded in a fraudulent fireball that somehow spared Coach Tommy).

Hayden's new board appointment led to Sue Gordon's "Freedom" quote, the unexpected nugget in that research.

“I believe in Freedom, and I’m delighted to join such esteemed colleagues on this board.”

That sums up our PEU world where politicians Red and Blue love PEU and increasingly, more are one.