Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Yahoos Go Apollo

Yahoo's exciting news is that is now an affiliate of Apollo Global Management.  Private equity underwriter (PEU) Apollo recently had founder Leon Black step down after paying pedophile Jeffrey Epstein over $150 million for investment advice.  

Apollo Global hired former Senator Evan Bayh, a corporation loving member of the Blue Team. IndyStar reported:

During his final months in the U.S. Senate, Evan Bayh broke ranks with most of his fellow Democrats several times to oppose or reduce the impact of legislative proposals that threatened the bottom lines of private equity firms, banks and oil companies.

Senator Krysten Simena filled this important role recently.  She should have many Bayh like employment opportunities after her service to the greed and leverage boys.  Yahoo!

Update 10-27-21:  After nixing an increase in the corporate income tax rate Blue Corporacrats pulled the proposed billionaire tax.  It's like Lucy with the football in Charlie Brown.  It took months for Democrats to run up to the football, swing hard with their foot and land flat on their back.

Update 12-31-21:  A jury found Epstein accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell guilty of sex trafficking underage girls.