Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Andreessen on AI Associated Deaths: Murder?

The Hill

“We believe any deceleration of AI will cost lives,” Andreessen said on a web page titled “The Techno-Optimist Manifesto” on the Andreessen Horowitz website. "Deaths that were preventable by the AI that was prevented from existing is a form of murder.”

Andreesen is flipping the equation while venturing into the unknown and unknowable.  AI is more likely to cause deaths given our current understanding.

Algorithm's have harmed, even killed people by steering them to self harm content.  Social Media Victims reported:

Researchers have linked several aspects of social media use to depression and higher suicide risk. And according to the CDC, the suicide rate for male teens increased 31 percent between 2007 and 2015 and female teen suicides hit a 40-year high in 2015.

Tesla's autopilot was involved in car accidents where seventeen people died.  If deaths not prevented by AI progress are "murder" are deaths caused by AI progress also "murder?"

Tech bros aren't known for being consistent.  They are known for their insatiable need for more money, more toys, more bandwidth and wanting more minutes, weeks and years on this earthly plane.

Technology looks remarkably inept in solving the problems of our globe, at least at this point in time.  One biblical level event and the whole planet could become devoid of technology.  Maybe we could learn to live with one another again.  Maybe not.

Update 11-12-23:  Andreessen and other AI sponsors are balking at paying for the use of copyrighted material.  Isn't that the West's beef with China?  

Update 11-13-23:   AI books on foraging for food are out and they could actually kill someone.  Who would be charged for murder in the case of incorrect foraging information production?  Does Mr. Adreessen like mushrooms?  If so, he may wish to buy a human produced book on mushroom foraging.  I'd hate for Mark to be murdered by his own creation.