Monday, January 8, 2024

Pentagon Chief Power Unto Himself

Before becoming President Biden's Pentagon Chief Lloyd Austin was a private equity underwriter (PEU) with Pine Island Capital in Washington, D.C.  Austin failed to keep the chain of command informed of his recent incapacitation.  The Guardian reported:

The White House has said that the US defense secretary, Lloyd Austin, will stay in his job but noted his “lack of transparency” and called for a review of procedures after he spent three days in hospital without informing the president.

The PEU boys aren't known for their transparency.  They purposefully like working in the dark, behind the scenes.  Did Lloyd Austin's PEU arrogance show in his failure to inform?   

The greed and leverage boys have their own set of rules.  It's time Washington officials took a surgical scalpel to their preferred "carried interest" taxation.  That dodge has gone on for over a decade too long.

Pentagon Chief Lloyd Austin gets a free reset, something his PEU peers are trying to achieve.  It's a shame those in charge are so loose with the rules, but that's a clue as to who is actually making them.

Politicians Red and Blue love PEU and increasingly, more are one.