Friday, May 24, 2024

Fintech Implodes, Sponsor Goes to Washington

Synapse, the largest regulated banking as a service platform, declared bankruptcy.  Andreessen Horowitz fostered Synapse before it grew large enough to harm millions of people.

While Synapse continues failing to fire, Andressen Horowitz is taking bold action.  The firm is opening a Washington, D.C office.  There's damage control to be done and federal backstops to garner.  It's the PEU way.  
Update 6-12-24:  WallStreetonParade  showed how Marc Andreessen and company have distorted our political system for their evil ends.
Update 8-3-24:  Wall Street on Parade wrote:

The most recent embarrassment for U.S. banking regulators was the bankruptcy filing by Synapse Financial Technologies, a fintech startup that had financial backing from Andreessen Horowitz, the giant Menlo Park, California venture capital firm that has morphed into a major funder of the Super PAC, Fairshake, that is attempting to pack the U.S. Senate with crypto sycophants come the election in November.

Nothing to worry about here.

“While the numbers vary, fintech companies have been valued today at more than $1 trillion. There is another $2.5 trillion in cryptocurrencies represented by 10,000 different coins, as well as about $1.3 trillion in synthetic and derivative crypto securities being sold by Wall Street.
And they want access to your retirement account.