Friday, August 18, 2017

Jindal Latest Private Equity Underwriter


The Advocate reported:

“The firm is large enough to make an impact, and the people are high quality,” Jindal writes, per the Business Report. “I have enjoyed the private equity work I have done over the last several months, and am confident this platform will allow me to help portfolio companies accelerate their growth while also making a real impact in the changing health care environment.”

According to the report, Jindal expects to primarily work with the Ares Private Equity Group.

“Given my policy background at the federal and state levels, and private sector experience, I will naturally start with a strong focus in health care investments, but will also diversify over time to other areas where I can add value,” he writes.
My health insurance turned to junk the last decade as my plan shed benefit after benefit.  A pox on politicians getting big paydays from private equity underwriters (PEU), especially those making big money flipping for-profit healthcare companies.

Bobby Jindal is but the latest in a long line of profiting politicians, both Red and Blue.  America's uni-party loves PEU.

Reader Reaction 8-19-17:  "There are so many carcasses from all the pilfering that the only game is to join the vultures. Infrastructure will be the next carve up before the space cowboys seek subsidies to infinity. Thanks. The country has gone numb and dumb."