Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Blue PEU Klain Biden's Chief of Staff


President Elect Joe Biden chose Ron Klain as his White House Chief of Staff.  Klain is Executive Vice President and General Counsel for Revolution LLC.  Revolution LLC is considered a venture capital/private equity firm.  

PEUReport ran pieces on Klain, the first in 2014 when he was named the Ebola Czar with no public health background.  The second story ran in 2016 when Klain chose Hillary over Biden. 

It's been a little hard for me to play such a role in the Biden demise - and I am definitely dead to them -- but I'm glad to be on Team HRC.

Somehow Candidate Joe Biden forgave Ron and his political rebirth came in a Biden "Here's the Deal" March 2020 podcast. 

Politicians Red and Blue love PEU.  The appointment of Ron Klain as Chief of Staff shows the greed and leverage boys remain firmly entrenched in America's Government-Corporate Monstrosity.

Update 11-12-20:  Revolution LLC's Steve Case presented with The Carlyle Group's David Rubenstein at the Rise of the Rest CEO Summit in November 2019.   Rubenstein should continue his preferred access to the White House under Biden and Chief of Staff Klain.  Also, two potential Biden cabinet members were at the event, Eric Schmidt and Meg Whitman.

"We've become, now, an oligarchy instead of a democracy. I think that's been the worst damage to the basic moral and ethical standards to the American political system that I've ever seen in my life." -- Jimmy Carter

Update 11-19-20:   Erin Brokovich wrote a letter to President Elect Joe Biden chastising him for putting a former DuPont consultant on his EPA Transition Board.  It's a different kind of PEU.

Update 10-14-21:  Biden Chief of Staff Klain believes inflation and supply chain problems only impact wealthy.  That's patently laughable.