Wednesday, October 23, 2024

The U in Trump: Usurp

When I hear former President Donald Trump he is either flattering himself or steamrolling others, usurping their very being.  His violent language reflects his tyrant nature.  Whatever "it is" is never enough and rules do not apply to Trump.

Trump courted the "live forever" Tech Gods with his VP appointment of JD Vance.  Vance holds residual stakes in two private equity underwriters (PEU), Narya Capital and Rise of the Rest Fund.  It remains to be seen what Vance does with his PEU holdings if the Red Team wins back the White House.

Elon Musk is the richest man in the world with assets of $250 billion.  That's 1,000 times greater than former Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson, Trump's first Secretary of State.  Tillerson received a $72 million tax break for properly complying with conflict of interest regulations.  

The Lever reported:
Elon Musk could reap one of the largest personalized tax breaks in American history if former President Donald Trump wins the 2024 election and fulfills his pledge to appoint Musk to a top government post, according to tax and ethics experts’ review of long-standing statutes. 
Jacobin provided more insight:
A provision inserted into the tax code thirty-five years ago allows government officials to indefinitely defer all capital gains taxes on such divestment — a tax benefit worth potentially tens of billions of dollars to Musk if he is appointed by Trump to a top government post.
Using Tillerson's experience as a guide, Elon could save $72 billion.  The problem:  When has Elon complied with anything?  

These guys make the game board.  The rules are whatever pops into their head.  

I can picture something like:  Trump appoints Musk as Secretary of MAGTechlandia.  Musk lasts maybe a year in the role.  In the middle of that year Musk's X buys out Trump's TruthSocial for a ridiculous amount.  SpaceX buys DJT Aerospace for an absurd price.

Ridiculous, absurd ... that's the state of our PEU world.  Citizens should expect to be usurped under Trump White House 2025.