Mario Draghi, head of the Financial Stability Board, is an ex Goldman Sachs man. He now serves on the European Central Bank council and is governor of the Bank of Italy. Mario likes the world economy's "convincing signs of recovery." Bloomberg reported:
The Financial Stability Board looks at risks to financial markets and ensure that regulators in each country act upon them. Its members represent economies from Argentina to the United States and institutions such as the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
Not long ago, Mario gathered with fellow members of the Bilderberg Group. Reports suggest Bilderbergers want the IMF to serve as global Treasury Department and the World Health Organization to act on global public health issues. Mario's comments support the former objective:
The FSB will “make an integrated proposal to strengthen the capital and liquidity regime by end-2009,” Draghi said, including requirements to address systemic risk.
Of course, Goldman Sachs opaque energy futures market will skate through cleanly. Private equity underwriters should avoid any serious regulatory scrutiny. The big money boys have more risk games to play.