Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Shadow PEU Government Meeting in Florida

America's policy making billionaires will meet in Florida under the tutelage of Michael Milken.  Together they will steer future government policy to their benefit, as they have done for the last three decades.  

Milken is the former Junk Bond King and convicted fraudster.  He ushered in private equity underwriting (PEU) as his generation's founding father.  The first Milken Institute South Florida Dialogues start Friday.  

Red Team supporter and billionaire Peter Thiel will present on mental health.  Will he address why the average citizen can't get their wishes enacted?  The majority have long wanted much cheaper healthcare, the rich to pay more in taxes and weapons of war be restricted to the battlefield.   Peter's on the opposite side of all that.  As a policy making billionaire, he gets his way.  Yes. it is maddening.

Foreclosure king and former Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin will attend, as will Blackstone co-founder Stephen Schwarzman.  Blue Team corporacrat Joe Manchin will join them in talking about social and economic mobility.  It's a train that only goes uphill.  Any declines are moral hazard and to be absorbed by Uncle Sam and Federal Reserve Bank. 

The ride must be comfortable for rich. white men, so no difficult topics please.  As the train rises the air thins to the point that only billionaires remain.  With the common people culled they can now meet with elected officials and have their will be done. President Trump kindly expunged Milken's securities fraud conviction.

..."From the Hamptons to Palm Beach to Mara Lago, white as foam, God Bless PEUmerica, leveraged loan, sweet loan.  God Bless PEUmerica, its government we own."

Update 2-4-22:  FT reinforced the point regarding socialism for the wealthy and capitalism for the poor.  Choo cho!