Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Insitutionalized PEU Greed is Abnormal


President Joe Biden said "Too much of what is happening in our country today is not normal.”  To the average American:

  • An ever shrinking middle class should not be normal.  
  • Policy making billionaires are not normal
  • Key government positions are quietly occupied by private equity executives whose greed helped shrink the middle class.  (This applies to both political parties)
  • Politically connected people have multiple, high paying positions while the average person struggles..
  • Maintaining preferred "carried interest" taxation for private equity is a decade old disgrace
  • The distribution of reward is almost exclusively to the top 1%, especially the top 0.1%
  • The Biden Cabinet should not be stacked with private equity underwriters (PEU) who constrained fair pay, stopped raises, limited or eliminated 401(k) contributions and cut benefits at many affiliates.  PEU job elimination was mentioned in the third bullet.

It should be no surprise that citizen anger has to go somewhere as many feel abandoned by leaders who look out for themselves and cover for other insiders.  

Update 9-18-22:  The power to set government policy is becoming increasingly disconnected from public opinion. 

Update 10-19-22:  Policy making billionaires Bill Ackman and Elon Musk recommend democratic Ukraine strike a peace deal with violent, territory grabbing Russia.