Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Feeing on Both Sides of the Deal

The Carlyle Group located in Washington, D.C. after its formation in 1987.  The politically connected private equity underwriter (PEU) purposely hired politicians of both stripes as it strategized how to take advantage of Uncle Sam's giant wallet while minimizing any contributions to the federal budget.  

That went international with Endeavor, a "nonprofit" focused on supporting entrepreneurs around the globe.  Endeavor Catalyst is the PEU part of Endeavor.

How many "nonprofits" have stakes in 51 companies valued at over $1 billion each?  Just like the PEU boys Endeavor hates paying taxes.

Unlimited Hangout reported on the history of global tamperer Endeavor.  The story included:

By ensuring that they dominate the leaders of both the public and private sectors of the current and new generations, these oligarch networks are able to control both sides of the “public-private partnership.”

Both sides of the deal!  That's frosted my backside and motivated me to start PEU Report back in 2007.  My wise friend recently informed me of a Bloomberg story on a failing affiliate.  My reply:

I expect a flood of these and find it absolutely appalling the sponsor that ran their affiliate into the ground can come out the other side with equity and make fees doing so.
His wisdom:
Appalling. I commend you for moderating the use of adjectives.  In these cases prison slang expletives come to mind. Financial masters of disaster have insulated themselves in a world of contrived valuations, debt originations, legal confiscation via asset stripping and transfers, Byzantine fee structures, self dealing, accounting chicanery, derivatives type leveraging, and other extraordinary financial contortions to levitate and  extract paper wealth ad infinitum.  Meanwhile, the man in the street (honest labor) gets to compete with dishonest MEGALOMANIACS. Oh, and is it any wonder they can't keep up? Just take a look at Uber and the accumulated losses from inception to today where the private market valuation created billionaires galore while at the same time violating labor and privacy laws and regulations.

The Guardian reported:

A leaked trove of confidential files has revealed the inside story of how the tech giant Uber flouted laws, duped police, exploited violence against drivers and secretly lobbied governments during its aggressive global expansion.

The lords of the dickiverse see the same giant wallet as the PEU boys.  Andreessen Horowitz just opened a D.C. office after leaving 20 million fintech users in a lurch.  The new office is a block and a half from the White House. 

The Endeavor in this story is not to be confused with the Ari Emanuel led global sports and entertainment company)  Interesting aside:  Ari recently asked Biden advisor Ron Klain (also a PEU with Revolution, same as J. D. Vance) "What's your Plan B?" regarding the apparent mental deterioration of Joe Biden.  My guess is Ari knew Biden's Cabinet was chock full of PEUs.  Semafor reported:

“We are in fuck city,” Emanuel said earlier this month at the Aspen Ideas Festival

Politicians Red and Blue love PEU and increasingly, more are one, as evidenced by Trump's new VP J.D. Vance (Narya Capital, Revolution Rise of the Rest, Mithril Capital). The competition is on as to which party can best serve the greed and leverage boys.  From my seat, both teams have done a bang-up job.  Add the international component and things really get disturbing for the common person, desirable only for their votes and user fees.