Friday, July 19, 2024

RNC's Last Day: Thank Heaven

The Red Team national convention closed with a "burn it down" song by Kid Rock before their "burn it down" candidate gave his "unity speech."  

Unity is an invitation to get in line behind a messianic Christian Nationalist and blindly follow him.  It's where there are no Red or Blue states because federal law won't allow state to state variation on issues important to his followers, like reproductive rights.  I still don't know how devoted Christians picked the least demonstrable follower of the Gospels.  They got an Old Testament "two eyes for an eye" kind of guy (because you have to hit back harder).

Former President Trump plans a second American Revolution should he win another term in office.  In this revolution money has free speech rights, the president is immune from criminal prosecution and property has voting rights.

The live forever, amoral tech bros have lined up behind Trump hoping to keep their gargantuan tax breaks. Federal law protects this insufferable group of pinheads from lawsuits from damage done by social media.  A columnist addressing Elon Musk's deleterious impact wrote about the

" dangers of endowing self-interested personalities with the money to buy unaccountable influence in conflict with the public interest."

Private equity underwriters (PEU) do likewise.  They've long played both sides of the political spectrum.  Keeping their highly unpopular preferred "carried interest" taxation has been a bipartisan effort.  So how can something the public hates go on for decades?

Once upon a time elected officials struck a balance.  Now they accept checks. 

The Red Team's tent is big, very big, even big enough to incorporate the whole country into their will, or else.  Unity becomes unity by "fight, fight, fight," by imposing one's will  That's the way of a monarch and I don't mean butterfly.

Remember politicians Red and Blue love PEU and increasingly, like J. D. Vance, are one.

The Blue Team confab is next.  

Lord, help us all.