Sunday, September 8, 2024

Monetizing Public Service: The AI Way

Vanderbilt University announced the launch of the Institute of National Security in May 2024. Their press release stated:
The founding director and leader of the institute will be retired General Paul M. Nakasone, who has served as commander of U.S. Cyber Command, director of the National Security Agency, and chief of the Central Security Service.
The institute will address:

...the pressing need to address emerging threats from a wide perspective—encompassing not only battlefield innovations but also disruptions to society, such as election meddling, pandemics and ransomware attacks—during unprecedented times.

The institute, expected to launch in fall 2024, will draw on Vanderbilt’s expertise in fields such as engineering, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, neuroscience, the humanities, biological sciences, emergency medicine, nursing, law and policy.

May to September... I'd say the General's plate is full.  It got fuller in June with an appointment to the OpenAI board of directors.  It overflowed in August with his joining Ballistic Ventures as a strategic advisor.  

General Nakasone is the latest to garner multiple, high paying full time positions.  At least two of the groups are buying influence.

Polticians Red and Blue love PEU and increasingly, more are one.  Public service is now private enrichment.

Update 9-11-24:  Techbro God Eric Schmidt, one of many (Peter Thiel. Elon Musk), revealed the extent that AI plans to appropriate intellectual property (a la China) and the huge sums required for a bunch of connected machines to think (within boundaries).  That money is needed to buy the equipment, stash them in data centers, train them and provide the gobs of electricity needed.  

He revealed techbro gods were behind the CHIPS Act because even though they hate paying taxes, they love Uncle Sam's wallet.    

Schmidt has been a regular at annual meetings of global tamperers, (Davos, Bilderberg, Milken).  These people are shameless.  I can't wait to find out how taxpayers are subsidizing AI's Garbage in-Garbage out.  "We can't prevent the hallucination (within AI).  We can only minimize it." 

This citizen suggests we not waste the money or our energy resources so Techbro Gods can remake the earth in their distorted, disturbing image.