Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The AI History Post that Won't Go Viral

2015:  Flashback to a time global elites saw the power of artificial intelligence: 

In 2015, Henry Kissinger was at the Bilderberg conference in Austria, listening to the head of Google DeepMind, Demis Hassabis, give a presentation on artificial intelligence....

2016:  Two stories previewed Bilderberg attendees:

Alex Karp, CEO of the data analysis firm Palantir Technologies, will be there this year as usual.

AI expert Demis Hassabis, the director of Google’s DeepMind project, as well as the co-chairman of OpenAI, Sam Altman. 
With Reid Hoffman, the founder of LinkedIn, back at the buffet this year, it seems that Bilderberg’s love affair with Silicon Valley is flourishing. And with cybersecurity high on the conference agenda, we have to spare a mention for Alex Karp, the CEO of the surveillance and data-mining giant Palantir.

The Tech Gods put their money where their Bilderberg lay.

The list above is a mix of TechGods and billionaire PEUs (KKR, Carlyle).  Both groups rely on political connections to pilfer Uncle Sam's wallet and ensure safe harbors for their schemes.

2019:  Three years later:

In addition to Schmidt and Thiel, California billionaires Alex Karp and Reid Hoffman also attended the Bilderberg meeting in Switzerland. Karp is the CEO of the data analytics firm Palantir, which he co-founded with Thiel. Hoffman is a co-founder and former CEO of LinkedIn. 

The four tech billionaires have ties to the U.S. Defense Department and/or intelligence community. Schmidt chairs the Pentagon’s Defense Innovation Board, of which Hoffman is also a member. Palantir’s clients include multiple branches of the U.S. military and multiple intelligence agencies.

Even back then these guys were not camera shy.  Which brings us to today. 

Eric Schmidt recently spoke at Stanford University.  His comments were eye opening.

As shocking as Schmidt's statements were on intellectual property theft and insider political influence, the video had a dark comedy ring to it.  

Which brings us to Alex Karp's recent guest appearance on Real Time with Bill Maher.  I wrote my wise friend, sharing an expletive about the man who protected evil Bilderbergers getting softball questions from Bill Maher.  

Maher closed with "Nice to meet you." A song popped into my mind with the chorus "Pleased to meet you, can you guess my name?"

Politicians Red and Blue love both the TechGods and PEU.  It turns out comedians do too.

What are the odds of a post on Eric Schmidt. Peter Thiel and Alex Karp going viral?  Miniscule.  One wave of a TechGod's hand and pooof....

Update 9-18-24:  Yesterday CNBC's Jim Cramer asked how many rights will be eliminated by AI.  He said something like we'll be down to six out of ten.  Taking, it's the nature of their game (TechGods and PEU Legends).

Jesse's Cafe Americana ran the following quote:

"We can never be gods, after all.  But we can become something less than human with frightening ease."

N. K. Jemisin, The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms

The head of Google Cloud told Goldman Sachs attendees last week:

...for 11 years now, Google has built world-leading AI systems. We are in our sixth generation of accelerated technology,