Bloomberg interviewed Carlyle Group co-founder and Declaration Partners founder David Rubenstein regarding TechGods being front and center at Trump II, the digital Caligula's coronation.
Jimmy Kimmel did an UP spoof on Biden's exit from the White House. The image shows him brushing the Washington Monument. I included Biden's recent words about Rubenstein as a bonus.
His remarks were:
Biden said that when he prepared to live in the president’s residence in the White House, his brother said, “‘Look, you want to be able to see from your desk—you want to be able to see Rubenstein.’I said, ‘I beg your pardon?’ He said, ‘The Washington Memorial.’ This guy rebuilt the sucker.”“You’re the best, David,” Biden added. “You are.”
And Rubenstein has a great Nantucket estate. Joe knows the benefits of oligarchic connection.
Politicians Red and Blue love PEU and increasingly, more are one. The Davos crowd's "euphoria", "giddiness" and excitement over "animal spirits coming back" should be of deep concern to regular folk. It is on our backs the burdens fall.