Welcome to 2025! As foretold:
It's the Year of the TechGod in the midst of the Century of the Private Equity Underwriter (PEU). Magically, they have made conflicts of interest completely disappear. It is to their benefit.
The little people wait patiently as they have for the last twenty four years for the tiniest bit of trickledown. They have witnessed tremendous trickleup during that time.
Update 1-14-24: WallStreetonParade posted a warning regarding future fraud as a result of Trump II's planned loosening of financial regulations. BetterMarkets CEO wrote:
"....The financial industry uses its economic power to buy political power which it then uses to increase its economic power. That just happened again in the November 2024 elections, and the financial industry is about to reap the rewards. The Trump administration is going to unleash a very dangerous juggernaut of deregulation of the financial industry.”