Thursday, September 7, 2023

Billionaire Leon Cooperman Cries Again

Hedge fund giant Leon Cooperman cried on CNBC in November 2019 in fear of the possibility of an Elizabeth Warren presidency.  He cried again this morning because he is "concerned about the lefties."

Cooperman's Omega Advisors has Apollo Global as one of its top five holdings.  Apollo is a private equity underwriter (PEU).

Flash back to April 23, 2020 (twelve days after the death of New York real estate magnate Stanley Chera):

Billionaire investor Leon Cooperman said Thursday on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” that the coronavirus crisis will “likely” change capitalism forever and that taxes will need to be raised soon.

“When the government is called upon to protect you on the downside, they have every right to regulate you on the upside,” Cooperman said. “So capitalism is changed.”

The chairman and CEO of the Omega Family Office said the country is shifting to the left and that taxes will have to go up regardless of who wins the presidential election in November. 

“Quickly if Biden wins, slowly if Trump wins, but taxes have to go up. So things like carried interest, capital gains taxes, the ability to roll over real estate sales tax-free, all that stuff is going to have to be eliminated. For the good, by the way,” Cooperman said.

Taxes weren't raised.  All "that stuff" remains firmly in place.  The PEU boys wouldn't have it any other way.  They have their fee/income cake and can eat it nearly tax free too.

Politicians Red and Blue love PEU and increasingly, more are one.  How generous for them to protect the billionaire boys on the downside and ask for nothing in return.