Saturday, September 16, 2023

Texas Senate OK's PEU Sponsorship in Paxton Acquittal

The Texas Senate acquitted Attorney General Ken Paxton of all impeachment charges.  Texas Red Team senators carried the voting load that let Paxton stay in office.  

Only two Red senators out of nineteen voted to convict Paxton and they did so on twelve of the sixteen charges.  The other seventeen Red senators found Paxton's actions not to rise to the level of impeachment.

This is good news for Texas elected officials who wish to cozy up to billionaire private equity underwriters (PEU) and marshal state resources on those billionaire's behalf.  It is even better news for Human Abuse Department chiefs who wish to dismiss pesky whistleblowers.  And it means Ken Paxton can once again ask Texas taxpayers for $3.3 million in settlement money for his untoward actions towards the people trying to uphold state ethics standards.

Yeeeehaaawwww! Texas Reds vote for PEU sponsorship!  Line 'em up boys.  We'll have the best billionaire sponsored government anywhere!  Yeeehaawwww!!!

Politicians Red and Blue love PEU and increasingly, more are shamelessly attached to at least one.  Ken Paxton/Nate Paul 2026!

Update 9-17-23:  Paxton never testified to any legislative body on the charges but plans to go on Tucker Carlson's Twitter/X channel to "address the nation."  I hope his future running mate Nate Paul joins him on Carlson's podcast.

Paxton warned the Biden administration to "buckle up."  Paxton would have been wise to have never unbuckled for a lady other than his wife.   Ken, it was your own political party that impeached you in the Texas House.  

I guess it's the Insane Red Team and their billionaire sponsors vs. the Blue Lucys and their billionaire backers.  May the biggest bankroll win.  Ken Paxton/Nate Paul 2026!

The Fort Worth Star Telegram ran an editorial titled:  "A sad day for Texas:  Acquitting Ken Paxton condones corruption, abuse of power."  A Tarrant County judge blamed the "corrupt media" for Paxton's ethical lapses.

Update 9-18-23:  The Texas Senate ensured the Attorney General's office will remain a hostile environment for ethical employees.

Update 9-23-23:   Unfortunately Paxton's unethical behavior was both defended and tolerated.

The evidence is explicit and undisputed that Attorney General Paxton blatantly and continually abused his office and power for personal gain. Time and time again, General Paxton put his own interests above that of Texans. His actions are an unequivocal breach of public trust in the Office of the Attorney General. As legislators, it is our responsibility to ensure that such actions from the chief law enforcement officer in Texas are neither tolerated nor defended.
Update 10-4-23:  The Texas House of Representatives released more information, i.e. evidence they considered in filing articles of impeachment against Paxton.

Update 1-15-25:  Nate Paul pled guilty to making false statements to a financial institution in a federal plea deal.  He faces up to six years in prison.