Col. Gadhafi's son Saif factored into two news stories. CNBC reported he escorted the Pam Am 103 bomber off his father's private jet to a hero's welcome. According to Reuters, Saif said:
"I also personally thank our friends in the British government as they have had an important role in reaching this happy conclusion," he said in a statement.
"I affirm that the Libyan people will not forget this brave stance from the governments of Britain and Scotland and that friendship between us will be enhanced forever. The page of the past has been turned and is now behind us," he added.
The crowd that greeted them at Tripoli's Mitiga airport, a former U.S. air base, were mostly members of Libya's National Youth Association which is close to Gaddafi's son.
In November 2008, Saif received a missive from President George W. Bush. The Carlyle Group hosted a dinner in his honor at the Washington Club. James A. Baker, III and Frank Carlucci attended according to a Libyan newspaper.
Who releases a convicted bomber after eight years of a century long sentence? Scotland did. Why? Mrs. Susan Cohen, a New Jersey woman, weighed in:
"I think it's appalling, disgusting and so sickening I can hardly find words to describe it," said Susan Cohen, of Cape May Court House, New Jersey, whose 20-year-old daughter, Theodora, died in the attack. "This isn't about compassionate release. This is part of give-Gadhafi-what-he-wants-so-we-can-have-the-oil."
CNBC said Libyan oil comes out the ground for the low cost of $1 per barrel. It seems the prisoner release and Western corporate expansion are connected.