Tuesday, January 4, 2022

PEU Boys Want "Coal Baron" Title

Bloomberg reported:

Private Equity Lines Up for Coal ‘Bonanza’
Private equity firms are lining up to take on the dirty -- and highly profitable -- assets being divested by publicly traded commodity producers as the world grapples to decarbonize.

Not long ago co-CEO Glenn Youngkin highlighted The Carlyle Group's commitment to ESG, a distinctly non-coal pursuit.  Youngkin shed his greed and leverage tentacles for a Red political team snakeskin and is now Virginia's governor.  

Distressed assets include coal.  The earth and democracy are not distressed in their dollar obsessed world.  However, paying taxes is extremely distressing to private equity underwriters.  Carlyle's roots are from the Great Eskimo Tax Scam.  Time will reveal damage done by new Coal Barons.

Update 1-6-22:  Bloomberg Intelligence reported:

Private equity firms, along with hedge funds, are significantly ramping up the amount they’re willing to pay specialists in sustainable finance, as a field once at the lower end of the pay scale moves closer to the top.

According to headhunters, a growing number of ESG specialists are now being propelled into a completely different income bracket from the one they inhabited just a few years ago. That’s as the market for environmental, social and governance assets hurtles past $35 trillion.