Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Friendly Advice Re: PEUs

A friend kindly sends articles and video complete with his commentary.  I asked if it was OK to share some and he gave permission.  Here goes:

...remember money flows where it's treated best, not where it acts best.  Thank God we're exceptional... poof...remake

I was just listening to Senator Cruz on CNBC talking about the debt ceiling. One of his comments mentioned something about privatization. I'm starting to wonder if this whole situation was contrived to create a catalyst for such a move ............... something to watch. 

I think default is too hard now......the Fed enabled the worst emboldened.......and protected.....unless externality.........perhaps a war?   hmmm........but then again inequality has worked so well.

There is an unholy alliance between the government and Silicon Valley........but you know that......and it will get worse.

There are so many overlaps of the same types of behavior I cannot leave it to happenstance.

Sodom and Gomorrah had nothing on us... The Feds have fostered and condoned bad financial actors through all their management tools for the inflated Ponzi collateral of the undeservingly rich and infamous financial community... By allowing them to fail they would have changed behavior but instead they allowed them to weave themselves into our system as to become one... whatever laws regulations and conflicts held in the past have been corroded, diluted,and tossed in the garbage.

The other thing I've been wondering about is the term national security interest ... It's been popping up a lot lately and I'm starting to believe private equity is going to fall into that category . We all know that they were saved in 2008 and now they are even stronger but no one's going to admit they were part of a policy agenda. I think they're working their way right into that ... We'll see every rule and every line I ever thought existed has been crossed and there are no penalties.  So as they said in Caddyshack "WE'VE got that going for us." 

Schwartzman and company are worms . So we are to believe that China snookered the PE brain trusts or maybe the PE guys are the betrayers on all of us . They don't care where they get their fees from only that they control it all . All this capital should have been vetted 30 years ago. The narratives we swing to avoid accountability would make Faust blush.

...all the debt, all the market cap, all the offshore tax havens, all this wealth (which is fine).... I'm not against wealth but this is how it randomly gets distributed in a normal curve universe?

He's helped me see that government inaction is a form of preferential action.  I knew private equity underwriters had co-opted government but never thought of them as a preferred strategic industry, one the levers of government actively support on an international stage.

To think that during a budget crunch the PEU boys could be our saviors?  That's truly rich.

Update 6-25-23:   French President Emmanuel Macron offered private equity as part of the solution for global poverty, climate change and biodiversity.  He did so in an interview with Fareed Zakaria on CNN.