Friday, February 28, 2025

Elon Can Run the Whole Danged Thing!

Elon Musk knows what's best for American democracy.  Judges?  #%&@ them.  Federal Aviation Administration?  Use SpaceX.  Congress and senior government officials, (a buffoon batch just approved and installed)?  Give them a raise.  

Meanwhile, his Department of Ungodly Greedy Executives Biased Against Government (DOUGEBAG) has private equity underwriters (PEU) galore.  Former PEUs include Tom Krause and Brad Smith.  Their job is to gut operations, replace people with crappy technology and tell you "how much better things are" as they maximally profit un-transparently.

Somebody send TwoFace back to the land of billionaire bunkers.  Please....and have him take his PEU henchmen with him before they run the whole #%@&-ing thing into the ground.