Sunday, March 2, 2025

Trojan Musk Run Amok

Elon Musk, the man who doesn't use Trojans (condoms), is himself a Trojan Horse, destroying government from the inside for the benefit of TechGods and PEU legends.  

His Department of Ungodly Greedy Executives Biased Against Government (DOUGEBAG) has PEU operators and Baby TechGods remaking government to their financial favor.

Musk's team is supposedly "tech support" but it's far darker with its sights set on Medicare/Medicaid and Social Security.  Trump II, the digital Caligula, gave Musk the keys to everything and instructions to "jack it up" while taking as much as he wanted.  Centuries ago, this was called plundering.

The scorched earth strategy includes blowing up GDP, so it excludes the harm done by DOUGEBAG to regular (unimportant) people.

Just to be clear, I do not want Trump I's tax cuts for the wealthy to be renewed or strengthened.  I do not want GDP to be recalculated to hide Musk/Trump's damage and I think a highly conflicted person who self medicates and has six companies to run should not be running the Trojan DOUGEBAG.  

Politicians Red and Blue love PEU and increasingly, more are one.  Their TechGod brethren joined the PEUarty and have one of theirs on the inside to steer Uncle Sam's wallet in a most favorable direction for their earthly desires.  

It's never enough, until it isn't.  Nobody needs protection.  C'mon baby!  

Update:  Engadget reported:

....employees with the Federal Aviation Administration were told on Friday to “begin finding tens of millions of dollars for a Starlink (satellite part of SpaceX) deal
The Red Team may use a budget gimmick to hide $4 trillion in extended/renewed tax cuts for the wealthy as costing $0.  Redefining a measure to hide the truth is something politicians and scoundrels do.  Sometimes they are one and the same.

Extreme Bitcoin Measure: Saylor Says

Microstrategy CEO and "Bitcoin Pastor" Michael Saylor preached to the cryptocurrency faithful, hold your bitcoin until you have no sellable organs remaining.  OK, I exaggerate.  However, he did say sell the kidney, keep the bitcoin.

As kidneys filter toxins, it may easier to ingest a toxic cryptocurrency into your investment portfolio without one.  

Saylor's recommendation is based on the human body having two kidneys.  Most people could "lose" a kidney and be fine.  Any reaction from dialysis company CEOs on Saylor's recommendation?  

I imagine some Bitcoin holders have more than one BTC.  They could sell a portion of their bitcoin holdings without placing their body at increased physical risk.

It's currently illegal to sell organs and tissues in the United States and has been since 1984.  Most organ trading impacts people in the third world and is quite predatory.

To sum up, Saylor (who wants regulatory hurdles eliminated for cryptocurrencies) suggested Bitcoin holders commit a crime rather than sell their financial "asset" at prevailing market prices.  That makes him a very specific male organ.  

Saturday, March 1, 2025

"Just In" Granted "Just Us" WLF Bro Status

Trump II, the digital Caligula, occupies the thumb's up/thumb's down throne in the "Just Us" Coliseum.  Justin Sun, the buyer of the $6.2 million banana and duct tape art, invested big in the Donarch's World Liberty Financial.  

Trump's SEC just halted prosecution of same Justin Sun for fraud.  Sweet!   It's "Just Us", "Just In" the nick of time as the Sun shines on Trump's World Liberty Financial. 

People all over the world, c'mon now, join the WLF train.....and have your fraud charges suspended too.  

Trump Trifecta: Predator Protection Program

Leadership experts cite "culture, culture, culture."  Yesterday, the world saw the "leader of the free world" go "vulture, vulture, vulture."

President Trump said near the end of his "off the rails" meeting with Ukrainian President Zelensky:

"This will make great television."

America's allies were appalled and rallied behind Zelensky.

The public learned that Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin went through a lot together in the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax in the midst of Trump's berating Putin's war victim.  

Trump went through a lot with serial child sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein and the day's "great television" took away from the "Just Us" Department's release of Epstein information.

And Trump is going through alot with DOUGEBAG chief/non-chief Elon Musk.  DOUGEBAG is the Department of Ungodly Greedy Executives Biased Against Government and it is operationalizing the private equity underwriter (PEU) takeover playbook.  

Reactions to Trump II's scorched earth remaking of federal departments include:

“An organization’s reputational integrity is its greatest currency. When you compromise that, you have lost the loyalty and trust of your employees.  His (Trump/Musk's) approach is going to increase inefficiency by creating an environment marked by instability, a lack of trust and divisiveness.
Ding, ding, ding.  Johnny, we have a winner!

Trump II, the digital Caligula has made the White House into an "integrity free" zone, where loyalty is blind and unprincipled.  

Vice President Vance (of TechGod origination) ably assisted Trump with his dressing down of Zelensky, just as the press conference hit "last question."  

I'm sure the Donarch is pleased with his great television.  It protected three fellow predators in one fell swoop.

Update:  A non-political DOJ staffer resigned due to the toxic work environment:

“Simply put, I cannot continue to serve in such a hostile and toxic work environment, one where leadership at the highest levels makes clear we are not welcomed or valued, much less trusted to do our jobs.”
I wonder if that person knew anything about the Trump-Epstein "Just Us" connection....