Monday, March 24, 2025

PEU News Update: Pre-April Fool's

To no surprise the tax hating greed and leverage boys want Congress to cut them yet another break.  Private equity underwriters (PEU) load up affiliates with debt and fees, which reduce their tax load.  Add their preferred "carried interest" taxation and billions bypass Uncle Sam's coffers.

Who can help the PEU boys write their new tax cut legislation?  Conflicted lawyers (when they are not designing or enforcing employee non-disclosure agreements).

Also on the PEU horizon, "human abuse" system software (with full spying capabilities).  Japanese workers can share their confidential issues with chatbots and wait on hold for tech support when the bot cannot answer their question.  Hopefully the bot will not insult or lie to them like their PEU owner.  

A graduate thesis explored the experience of PEU women.  Apparently, it's still a man's world.

Many women choose to leave the toxicity.  Others incorporate their twisted values. 

One might have expected elected officials to prevent the harm done by financial rapscallions to critical safety net hospitals and healthcare facilities.  Nope.  Did not happen in the egregious case of Prospect Medical and Leonard Green Partners.  It's questionable if it state legislators will address the problem.  Congress should continue its bipartisan love for PEUs, as increasingly more are one.

The next story may be a lesser killing, but to some it may hurt.

The last piece deals with PEU stakes in 401(k) plans.  A Johns Hopkins professor suggests buyer beware.

As you hear politicians say "we" exported jobs to China and hollowed out large chunks of our country, please know PEU owned companies sent tens of thousands of jobs overseas while elected officials sat on their hands, citing how much "further a dollar would go."   Let's not give the egregious actors another penny in tax cuts.  It's long past time they started paying their fair share.  

And quit insulating the PEU boys and beautiful girls from the harm they cause....  Can we get a non-PEU owned law firm on that?