Saturday, March 22, 2025

God Awful "Leaders"

Executive behavior deteriorated over the last two decades as private equity underwriters (PEU) overtook the economy and TechGods followed the established PEU playbook of leveraging politics to tap Uncle Sam's giant wallet, control regulatory frameworks and create federal policy.  PEU legends became known as "policy making billionaires."

Hallmarks of this leadership distortion include:

  1. Era of Grotesque Self-Dealing
  2. Age of Sponsorship
  3. Intrusive Human Abuse Systems
  4. Siren Call of Incapable & Abusive Technology
  5. Actualization of Greed
  6. Overreliance on Models, Numbers, Spreadsheets
  7. Expectation of Blind Loyalty

Add the rule of Trump II, the digital Caligula to the above list:
8.  The Age of Usurpment
There is nothing Trump II won't envelop and incorporate into his "very genius" being.  

It's America's First Donarch, both unseemly and unsettling because it embodies all eight parameters of executive dysfunction.  

What if you took two of the most pathological business people in our country, one of them a legal immigrant, and asked them to unleash their PEU ways everywhere and all at once?  That's what we have.  

Yes, the decimation of your workplace has metastisized.  The people at the top garner outsized, obscene rewards while virtually nothing trickles down.  You get insulted, spied upon and infringed.

People voted for a "fairer deal" only to see that tossed into the waste bin of "too bad, so sad, can't afford that & tax breaks for the super-wealthy.  Got to take care of my financiers!"

Lord deliver us from our "leaders", people in charge.....

Update 3-23-25:  My wise friend wrote relative to the Paul Weiss law firm's capitulation to Trump:
So shakedown/extortion is the new deal? Anyone that doesn't see through this doesn't understand crime bosses. Donald Trump is a wannabe wise guy. Learned from the best, Roy Cohn.

The Digital Caligula pumped his personal meme-coin this morning, which gave it a nice pop.  

Hopefully, Baron and his friends rode the wave.  

Who's the Greatest of Them All?  $TRUMP.....