Saturday, September 22, 2007

Bush Doesn't See Sick People of Short Stature

President Bush spoke to the country in his Saturday morning radio address on children's health insurance. What he didn't say is more children were uninsured in 2006 than in 1994, the start of the Republican Revolution. This happened despite covering poor children through state CHIP programs. The President has been AWOL on health care his whole two terms in office, other than a pharmaceutical crafted Medicare Drug benefit that similarly harmed low income seniors and the disabled, otherwise known as dual eligibles. George spoke to that issue in Dublin, Ohio. So why doesn't #43 see the 47 million Americans without health insurance? Why did he continually offer up meatless programs which failed to address an increase of 7 million uninsureds since 2001? I believe George Bush has a Sixth Sense. He doesn't see sick people, short or poor...