Thursday, September 20, 2007

Bush Ugly to Uninsured Kids

When confronted with millions of uninsured kids, President Bush jumped on his high horse to speed off. The problem is his health care plans are nothing more than a statue which hold in place the dynamics of a system failing legions of Americans, young and old. After "riding" for hours to impose two bureaucratic blocks, George dismounted saying "Things should be OK for awhile, Uncle Bucky. Those kids will keep their WellPoint policies thanks to my veto." A relieved Presidential uncle serves on the board of the huge health insurer. Sharing the WellPoint table are Susan Bayh, wife of the Indiana Senator and White House Economic Advisor, Al Hubbard (a past member of their Board).

Last night CNN's Jack Cafferty did a one hour special titled "It's Getting Ugly Out There". It mentioned issues of concern to our citizens, one of which is health care. A segment of the transcript is below:

"I mean, honestly, I really found a hopeless bunch of people when I talked to them about this. I mean, you know, Mike McCurry, who you saw in that piece, did think that perhaps people are now looking at the political slate and saying, "Well, we've been talking about Social Security for years. We've been talking about health care for years. We've been talking about all of these issues for years. Nothing has gotten done. It's gridlock in Washington." So the opportunity is there, but there's just so much else battling against it."

President Bush's signature health care strategies have failed to even hold the line on the uninsured, much less reduce it. A growing tide threatens to force millions more Americans underwater in this regard. So what does the President do? He calls a press conference and in his usual belligerent manner, blames others for his policy failures.

He also brought along his parrot, HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt who couldn't answer a question outside his narrow talking points. The end result is more kids and more citizens on their own for health insurance, or without coverage for their health care bills (assuming they get care). For those in a bind, don't forget about the President's ER referral. Be sure to list 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue for the address of the responsible party.